Nature ,basis of beauty

An expression of a description of the breathtaking nature that nature is the basis of the beauty that Creator created in this earth, so the beholder has the ability to realize this beauty by noticing many of its appearances in nature around it, such as vast green meadows, and transparent water flowing from waterfalls and springs The rivers in the rivers, the seas and oceans that the golden sun rays reflect upon the sunrise or sunset, in addition to the dense forest trees, the glacier mountain views in the poles, the golden deserts sands, and the different types of flowers and roses that cover many areas Taq on the surface of the globe. It is inseparable from the feeling of the beauty of nature, the presence of living creatures that live in specific environments and which challenge nature in a fictional viewing that captures

The beholder, including what happens in the migrations of birds to remote countries to search for warmth and food, migrations of fish across the seas and oceans, and the crossing of deer herds in the wilds that are bustling with movement and beauty, as well as the presence of specific areas in this world where specific types of living be spread, Where these areas are the original habitats of these organisms life.

What increases the aesthetic of nature mixed between natural areas and the presence of living organisms are the presence of sounds that increase the magnificence of the scenes observed by the beholder, the voice of bulbul, parrots, insect sounds and many other living creatures add another dimension to beauty, aswel7l as the breathtaking scents that mix the landscape, which makes the person amazed Of the beauty that most of his senses share in his awareness.

With the development of technological sciences and  the development of means by which a person was able to dive to the bottom of the seas and oceans, the concealment revealed the beauty of marine life, and the difference appeared between the things that live on the surface of the water than those that live below it, where it became possible to dive in the depths through diving tools Modern and giant submarines to see the underwater world, where organized fish move, and reefs coral, jellyfish, colorful marine plants, and other hundreds of different fish in their shapes, sizes and colors, so that everything in this universe goes according to a specific system that is been created.

A person should thank the Creator for the beauty he has blessed us with. All that this enormous universe contains indicates, this universe has a great creator who deserves to be thanked and worshiped, and this is what made many scientists who researched the beauty of naturalism to praise the beauty been seen around.


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